The beauty routine to maintain during the countdown for your big day: your wedding

The beauty routine to maintain during the countdown for your big day: your wedding.

Of course, you have already thought about your wedding dress, you have already made your guest list and you have almost chosen your exclusive venue along with the decoration. But you have forgotten the most important thing! Your beauty routine.

Because it is certain that as soon as you start preparing for your wedding, you haven’t had time, but we are here to tell you that… One of the most important preparations starts with yourself!

Have you forgotten to look after yourself? Well, we are here to resolve that! We are going to tell you right now all of the recommendations that you have to take into consideration in order to let your beauty and radiance shine through on your wedding day. Write them down in your diary and get started right away!

Wedding Elopement - Perfect Venue
Photo by Tanya Vasiluk, Photo via: Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

First thing’s first: Your skin

Although you’ve always had to look after your skin, you need to do so even more before your wedding. In your daily life, you should use sun cream. Don’t think that it’s just for the summer! Because sun cream is for all year round, since it enables you to keep it clear and prevent aging.

It is also essential to remember to wash your face every day, such as for example every night before bed, in order to remove your makeup properly with micellar water and moisturising cream. They will end up being your two best friends!

Another good choice is to use an exfoliant in order to remove all of the dead cells on your face by carrying out a deep clean, improving your circulation. Your skin will be smooth and glowing!

Extra Treatments

Any extra treatments for your skin will be beneficial. The best thing to do would be to assess your skin together with a professional, before deciding which treatment would suit your skin the most. A hydrating treatment, skin rejuvenation, a firming treatment, a brightening facial… There are loads!

As a consequence, you will get your skin ready for your wedding day, so that your bridal makeup will apply easier and last all day.

Hotel Santos Nixe Palace

Prepare your hair

In the days running up to your wedding, it’s the perfect time to prepare your hair for your big day: Get a haircut to remove any split ends, touch up the roots or highlights…

Treat yourself and get a treatment that will help your hair to be silkier and shinier, such as hair masks, keratin treatments, capillary Botox, etc. Saying that, now is not the time to experiment with colours and radical hairstyles! We don’t want any scares!

Perfect your manicure and pedicure

Your hands are always on display for everyone to see, and especially on your wedding day, because your hands will feature your wedding ring. Therefore, in the days before your wedding you should go to your beauty salon and get a manicure and pedicure. Don’t leave your nails until the last minute!

The photos of your hands will turn out perfectly and your feet will look wonderful. Do you know which wedding shoes you are going to wear?

Finca Mas Solers - Perfect Venue
Finca Mas Solers, Barcelona

A beautiful smile is your best makeup

On your wedding day, you won’t be able to stop showing your happiness on your face, and you will spend a lot of time chatting to people. So, you need to go to your dentist! You need to prepare your smile so that you can laugh and smile throughout your wedding day, without any possible injury.

And what about getting your teeth whitened? Choose a colour that looks the most natural. Consult your doctor and get ready to shine!

Exercise to relax

Doing sport, as you know, is very important. It helps us to feel better on the inside and out, and therefore it is recommended in order to relieve stress by producing endorphins. Your body will thank you for it after all this stressful wedding planning!

But how? Well, through a basic exercise routine, such as walking, stretching, yoga and other light activities. We don’t want to injure yourself before the wedding!

Casa Benigalip - Perfect Venue
Casa Benigalip. Photo via: Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortíz

Eating well = healthy body and healthy mind

Although this is again something that is important to maintain at all times, in the days running up to your wedding, try to keep away from tempting foods such as ice cream, chocolate, coffee… everything that we enjoy so much! Because these foods won’t do your body and favours and furthermore will cause water retention and bloating.

Choose a varied diet with foods such as fruit, greens, legumes, vegetables, antioxidants… As a consequence, your dress will fit like a glove!

Relax with a good massage

Treat yourself and dedicate time to relax and disconnect, to get away from all of the stresses of preparing your wedding. It is time for calm, lie down and enjoy a relaxing massage to get rid of all of the tension that has accumulated over the last few months.

Wedding Castell de Ben Viure - Barcelona
Photo by Juanlu Rojana

So now you are completely prepared for your spectacular wedding day! Without a doubt, we will all notice the effects of your beauty routine.

At Perfect Venue we offer the best professionals that will accompany during this time, to get you ready and ensure that you maintain this essential routine. Come and visit us!


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