Keys to success when choosing catering for a company event

Finding catering for a company event can become a difficult task, since there are many factors to take into account, and that is why we have made this list with the key points to take into account.

Food is key to making any event a resounding success, but when it comes to company events, things go up a notch! Here we leave you some tips so that you can choose the catering for a company event and leave all the guests with a full belly and a happy heart.

We know it’s not easy, but with a little planning and an eye for details, you’ll have it more than under control. Also, don’t forget to consider some external factors that may affect your decision. Yes: we don’t want a barbecue in the rain, nuts if people are allergic, or people coming dressed up to a brunch.

Don’t worry, we are here to help you! Follow these tips and you will see how your catering at a company event goes smoothly.

Let’s start!

Eventos MICE / Phot via Perfect Venue
MICE event  Muelle  21, Sevilla / Photo via Perfect Venue

Get to know the attendees of your MICE event

Knowing the attendees of your event is essential when choosing catering for a company event. A good understanding of your dietary preferences and needs ensures that everyone enjoys the meal and has a positive, unforgettable experience.

We must be especially careful with those who are allergic, vegan, celiac…, to offer them dishes that they can consume.

Also keep in mind that if your attendees are international, you should investigate their culture and habits, to offer options that please everyone, without screwing up.

Define the type of event and its theme

Whether it is a gala dinner or something more elegant, the catering for a company event must be up to par with a sophisticated menu and a presentation that dazzles. On the other hand, if the event is more relaxed, like an afterwork or a casual meeting, you can opt for something simpler and more fun, like food stations or even a food truck. 

Another detail that you cannot overlook is the theme of the event. If you are organizing something with a specific theme, the catering must be in tune. Do you have an Italian party in mind? Then make sure the menu is full of delicacies like pasta, pizzas and tiramisu. Everything has to be consistent for the experience to be complete!

In short, the key is that everything is well aligned: the type of event, the theme, and of course, the catering. If you can make everything come together perfectly, you are guaranteed success!

Catering de empresa / Photo via Perfect Venue
Catering in a company event / Photo via Perfect Venue

Choose a trusted supplier

Another key point that you cannot overlook when choosing catering for your company event is the reputation of the supplier. Don’t risk it! Do your research, read reviews, ask for references and, if you can, don’t hesitate to attend a prior tasting. Seeing with your own eyes (and tasting with your palate) will give you a lot of peace of mind. In the end, reputation is everything, and choosing someone with good references will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

Experience also counts, a lot. Make sure the supplier has experience with events similar to yours. Ask if they have handled events of the same size and if they have experience serving companies. The more experience they have at events like yours, the better they will know how to deal with any unforeseen events and make sure everything goes perfectly.

All the information you collect will be of great help to you to make the best decision. In the end, everything adds up to make your event a total success. So research, ask and try before you decide!

We know the best suppliers, at Perfect Venue we only work with quality caterers, do not hesitate to contact us to recommend the best one!

Menu Flexibility

Another thing that cannot be missing in a good catering service is flexibility. This is a super plus point, because it allows you to customize the menu according to what you need and prefer. Do you have guests with dietary restrictions? No problem! A good supplier will accommodate everything, whether gluten-free, vegan, or any other special needs. Additionally, the ability to make last-minute changes is pure gold at company events, where everything can change in the blink of an eye.

So, make it your own! Make sure the catering for a company event ,you choose is flexible enough to accommodate your preferences and anything that may come up along the way. When the supplier is willing to adjust and customize, it gives you enormous peace of mind and allows you to enjoy the event worry-free.

Flexibilidad en menú de catering / Photo via Perfect Venue
Corner in a catering for a company event / Photo via Perfect Venue

Quality and freshness of the ingredients

Taking fresh, quality ingredients into account will help us ensure that the supplier uses fresh, high-quality ingredients.

This not only improves the taste of the food, but also demonstrates a commitment to the health and well-being of guests.

Presentation and service

We cannot forget the quality and freshness of the ingredients. This is essential. Ensuring that the supplier uses fresh, high-quality ingredients will not only elevate the flavor of the dishes, but also demonstrates a real commitment to the health and well-being of your guests. And it shows!

After all, no one wants to serve tasteless food or food with dubious ingredients, right? Fresh always tastes better and leaves a lasting impression. So, when choosing your caterer, pay attention to what they use in the kitchen. Ask where the ingredients come from and how they are selected. A supplier that cares about quality will give you peace of mind and make your event shine.

Remember, the quality is evident in every bite, and your guests will appreciate it. So go for the best and give your guests a delicious and healthy experience!

Servicio de catering / Photo via Perfect Venue
Luxury catering service in Spain / Photo via Perfect Venue

Value for money is essential

When you are choosing catering for your company event, budget is a key issue. The quality-price ratio is essential, because although we all want to save a little, the cheapest is not always the best. The ideal is to find a balance between quality and cost, this way you ensure you get excellent service without your budget going out of control.

And be careful, because additional costs can appear out of nowhere and make the price go up more than you expected. Therefore, it is super important that you ask about any extra costs that may arise: Is equipment rental included? Are there travel fees? Service charges? Don’t leave any doubts unclarified, because these details can make a big difference in the final price.

Catering / Photo via Natalia Ortiz Events
Catering in an event  / Photo via Natalia Ortiz Events

Logistics and punctuality

One detail that you cannot overlook is logistics. Make sure the catering you choose can accommodate the specific needs of your event. This includes everything from the space available to the kitchen facilities and the schedule you have planned. Not all places have a super-equipped kitchen, so it is important that the supplier knows how to work with what is available and can make magic in any scenario.

And punctuality is crucial too! The caterer must be ready to serve at the exact time, without causing delays or inconveniences. A delay in food can throw off the entire event, so make sure the caterer is punctual and reliable.

Commitment to sustainability

Today, ecological commitment is an increasingly relevant factor for many companies. If sustainability is one of your company’s values, then it is essential that the catering you choose for your company event also shares these values.

Look for suppliers who strive to be eco-friendly, whether that’s using local and organic ingredients or offering sustainable packaging options. Every little detail counts! By choosing a catering that cares for the planet, you are not only serving delicious food, but you are also showing a real commitment to the environment.

So if sustainability is important to you and your company, make sure your catering for a company event is aligned with those values. Not only will you be making a conscious choice, but you will also be sending a positive message to everyone who attends your event. Because taking care of the planet never goes out of style!

Test and evaluate

One step you can’t skip is testing and evaluating. Doing a prior tasting of the catering for a company event you are considering for your company event is a great idea. This will allow you to see (and taste) firsthand if everything is to your liking and matches what you had imagined.

During the tasting, you can evaluate the quality of the food, the presentation of the dishes, and how they align with your expectations. And if there is something that doesn’t quite convince you, it’s the perfect time to discuss and make the necessary adjustments. This way you make sure that, on the day of the event, everything goes exactly as you want.

We help you choose the catering for a company event

Don’t worry! We know that choosing catering is not an easy or simple task, but we are here to give you a hand. With the help of Perfect Venue, we help you find the best venue for your MICE event. Don’t miss all the amazing MICE venues we have in our directory. Click here to discover them!

And don’t forget that, with new trends, food can also be a decorative element! From creative presentations to themed setups, you can make food not only delicious, but also an integral part of your event décor.

So if you need help finding the ideal caterer and the perfect venue, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s make your event unforgettable!

Don’t miss this article where we tell you about the 40 MICE locations in Spain that will propel your event to fame.

And if sea views are your thing… These are the 5 best Spanish venues for your MICE event with sea views.


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