5 Ways to Develop Business with Event modified

Events are now one of the best way to develop your business. Investing in those will bring you new sources of profits.

Advices to develop your business with events.

Events are now one of the best way to develop your business. Investing in those will bring you new sources of profits.

Here are different methods to promote your company through various types of events and ways to calculate ROI it will bring to you.


The traditional brand and product promotions are simple but efficiencies ways to promote your business only if they are memorable and unique.

Those so called “empirical evens” are very expensive. Thereby, you might want to organize a small one. Small doesn’t mean less efficient. For example, the advertising campaign for the third season of “The Game of Thrones” only consisted in install a dragon skull on a famous British beach where we used to find dinosaur remains. Pictures of the skull became viral in social networks and traditional medias as television all around the world. This event is proof that publicity is the main propose to make a small budget event a success.

You must understand that this type of event the goal is to get interest of medias so people start to know your brand and product and that is the thing that will make increase your sales. Thereby, calculate the audience’s coverage by analysing mentions and publications of your event in medias.

Trade shows and exhibitions

The main point of those events is to find new potential customers (prospects). You will be able to present your product, service in specialised exhibitions. The important point is that there are the places where trends are made. Thereby, various traditional and specialised medias will be here and can talk about your brand and product.
The cost to have a personal stand in trade shows is high. If you are out of budget, you can always buy a regular ticket to come and found out about your competitors and analyse new trends.

Compare the number of prospect came and the number of contract you signed in the trade show to calculate your ROI.

Current customer

Your current customer is a solid customer base that you can exploit to increase your sales. Invite them to participate at a seminar or conferences to deepen your relationship with them and convince them to increase their purchases of your products.

To do so, you can show them the most efficient ways to use your products and attract them with upcoming news.

For the next few months, analyse where your new sales are coming from. You will see that those who attend your event increase their purchases. Take into account the price of the event and see how much profits you got from their purchases.

Seminars for employees.

Organise lectures, trainings sessions to make sur your employees have the good speeches and the good tools to sell your products. Make them enjoy their work with you so they become more efficient.

Compare the sales and involvement of your employment before and after the event.


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