Interview with Wild Spirit: discover their natural weddings and their wedding dresses with lots of movement

In this post you can discover the interview with Wild Spirit. You will discover the charm of their natural weddings, where every detail is imbued with authenticity and connection with nature. In addition, you will marvel at the beauty and fluid movement that characterize their wedding dresses, designed to capture the unique essence of each bride.

Today we dive into the world of Wild Spirit, a gem based in the beautiful Balearic Islands that not only offers the magic of natural weddings, but also the timeless elegance of their wedding dresses.

Behind this small family business, quality and originality stand out, imbued with a natural and romantic style that defines its essence.

With an exclusive focus on meticulous details, as they tell us they prefer “excellence over quantity, limiting the number of weddings each year.”

We won’t keep you waiting any longer! Dive into this exclusive interview and discover the essence of Wild Spirit, where the passion for each project is reflected both in their natural weddings and in their beautiful dresses. And if you still want to know more, click here for more details.

In addition to planning weddings, Wild Spirit also offers a wedding dress service. How does this mix come about? Which part do you enjoy most?

That’s right, we are the only company at a national level and we know that this is true, that we offer under the same company the wedding planner service and the sale or design of wedding dresses.

When I came to Madrid to study, I went into the bridal fashion branch and when I did my internship at a fashion and events agency I had the opportunity to get to know that part and I fell in love with everything related to organizing different events, so I continued training to have the possibility of one day being able to dedicate myself to both lines and by working very hard and preparing myself I managed to create Wild Spirit offering both services.

Weddings Wild Spirit, bodas naturales y vestidos de novia
Weddings Wild Spirit, natural weddings and wedding dresses

What would you say is your essence when it comes to organizing natural weddings and choosing the bride’s dream dress? Your hallmark, specialization, what defines you…

The two lines really go hand in hand, we are very faithful to our style and when we have the opportunity to perform both services, it is clear that the wedding and the dress have our stamp.

As for natural weddings, we obviously listen to the client, their tastes, their style, their essence, these are important concepts for us when it comes to creating and organizing that wonderful day. We like to do natural weddings, that flow, without much protocol in between and that at the same time have that point of madness or creativity that we like.

As for the dresses, the bride who comes to us knows very well what she wants, flowing dresses, with movement, very natural and of quality, that do not weigh down, our brides look for comfort, originality and the power to create their own dresses.

You have the opportunity to do many weddings a year, however you do a limited number of weddings a year, why?

We believe that if we do many weddings a year we cannot be 100% for our clients, when organizing a wedding many important aspects have to be taken into account and sometimes we cannot do everything, we prefer quality over quantity, we are also a small, family-run company and for the moment I prefer it to remain that way, betting on how we work since we have good results.

Weddings Wild Spirit, bodas naturales y vestidos de novia
Weddings Wild Spirit, natural weddings and wedding dresses

You work mainly in the Balearic Islands. What do couples ask for the most when celebrating their wedding on the islands?

The Balearic Islands have become a very succulent destination among couples, both from the peninsula and the rest of the world. Our main clients come from Canada, the USA, Germany and England and for them the Balearic Islands are an exotic, idyllic destination and they look for tranquility, nature, the sea and the mountains and above all good quality cuisine. We have it all.

Do your couples, as a general rule, want to have their wedding planned down to the last detail or do they prefer more freedom, fluidity and whatever the moment and the occasion “calls for”?

As I mentioned before, we listen to the needs of our clients. The vast majority, living abroad, let themselves be advised, but there are things that they are clear about and we carry them out, but they let themselves be guided by us and trust our judgment.

Weddings Wild Spirit, bodas naturales y vestidos de novia
Weddings Wild Spirit, natural weddings and wedding dresses

What aspects of the wedding do couples who get married in the Balearic Islands prioritise the most? They prefer a fairytale setting, they invest more in the gastronomy of the big day, they prefer a decoration to the max…

At the moment, in terms of gastronomy, they invest quite a lot, the Balearic Islands are an exclusive destination so you pay for it, but you also have better quality and what they also invest in is creativity and originality, such as good decoration or special effects and sound.

More and more brides are advocating ready-to-wear for their wedding dress, is it a passing fad or will it become established over time? What type of dresses do your brides ask for the most?

We have brides of all kinds, there are girls who come looking for ready-to-wear dresses, but the vast majority do so with time and want to go easy. Yes, they all agree that they prefer simple and comfortable dresses.

We see that more and more brides are looking for viral dresses worthy of a wedding blog. How do you foresee the next trends in wedding dresses?

We are clear that pearls are coming on strong next season, so we are going to have a little corner of this trend, although we will remain faithful to our style and essence and will continue with airy, comfortable and quality fabrics.

Weddings Wild Spirit, bodas naturales y vestidos de novia
Weddings Wild Spirit, natural weddings and wedding dresses

Many couples who are looking for an Instagram-worthy wedding are not satisfied and want to go further. How do you think social media has influenced the way they organise a wedding?

They have had a huge influence. The vast majority of couples already come with their Pinterest album of what they want, it’s all very pretty, but sometimes they ask for things that perhaps don’t exist, especially in terms of floral decoration. We may not have access to that type of flower because of the season or because there is simply a lot of colour retouching in the photos and that confuses them. But it is another tool for inspiration and it is a way that is perfect for us to understand what they want and what they like.

Tell us an anecdote about a wedding that you remember fondly, a special moment, something unforgettable that neither the couple, nor the guests, nor you, will ever forget.

Really, every wedding is special, even with some we have created a very nice friendship, you have to keep in mind that it takes a long time to get to know the couple, a year or more preparing the wedding. I’m left with the thanks from everyone, it’s wonderful when they recognise your effort, dedication, time, there’s a lot of work behind it that you can’t see but it’s reflected on the wedding day and that everyone is happy is our greatest gift and it’s the indication that we’ve done our job perfectly. And if I have to remember something special, it was at last year’s weddings, I was pregnant and at absolutely all the natural weddings, the couples gave me different gifts in front of their guests and that’s much appreciated.

Weddings Wild Spirit, bodas naturales y vestidos de novia
Weddings Wild Spirit, natural weddings and wedding dresses

Where is Wild Spirit headed? Its goals, current priorities, what the future holds

They say that everything has an expiration date, I don’t know if Wild Spirit will change course at some point, but for now the goal is to continue growing, continue making our clients happy and continue creating wonderful natural weddings.


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