Everyone loves a celebration! And any excuse is a good one to get together with your friends and family and spend some time making some great memories. This is what a baby shower is all about!
Traditionally this celebration was solely for the mother and her friends, but as times have changed, the baby shower has not been left behind, and now it is a party for everyone!
It is an occasion for the parents and their loved ones to eat cakes, entertain themselves with fun games, enjoy a refreshing drink, as well as giving and receiving presents!
Future parents… Make a note of these baby shower ideas, because yours is just around the corner!

What decoration would be most appropriate?
Before, blue was a colour for boys, and pink was a colour for girls, but things have changed! Now, colours are not assigned to a gender, and so your decorations can be full of blues, pinks, yellows, greens, all in pastel shades to give a fun baby-themed touch. What’s more, pastel colours are on trend.
Themed decorations
You could make the most of the occasion and have themed decorations, filling the venue with new-born items such as bottles as cups, rubber ducks in the fountains, even dummies made out of balloons!
On the tables, you must have flower bouquets, but… without flowers! In keeping with your themed decorations, you could substitute flowers for nappies, bibs and flannels and arrange them as if they were a bouquet. What could be more original that that?
For the walls and the rest of the space, you could put up photos of the ultrasound baby scans and balloons that look like it’s raining. It is very simple! You just need to have helium, white balloons and adhesive to stick them to the ceiling, and you have your very own clouds!
Have fun!
How could you forget to have a photobooth! This is always an extremely fun activity. How about making one with a stork and bag? You could make it yourselves.
There are so many unique details that will surprise your guests. Don’t forget to take pictures and post them on social media!

A book for your guests to sign
It will be nothing like a boring book of signatures! We don’t have any intentions to conform with traditions, especially not with the baby shower! This is an opportunity to welcome your guests in a different way, as if it were an artistic creation.
You could have tiny Babygro silhouettes hanging on a washing line with a rope and pegs where your guests could write a little message. They could paint their footprints onto fabric or an item of clothing and leave a little message next to it, or you could simply have them write messages in a big book shaped like a baby’s bottle.
This would be a very special way to leave messages for the parents, an excellent item to help them remember this day forever, as well as a wonderful thing for the child to read in the future!
Tasty temptations
It’s time to have a bite to eat! And what could be better than original and healthy nibbles? The best snacks for your table will be fruits, canapés, little sandwiches, skewers… These will bring an extra touch of colour!
You could even play with your ingredients and create themed dishes, such as eggs and watermelon in the shape of a baby’s pram, sausages to make a baby octopus, make a rainbow with pieces of fruit…
There is an infinite number of creations that will leave your guests open mouthed, literally! There won’t be any food left over!

Treat yourselves!
Sweets cannot be missing from any celebration, but of course at a baby shower it must be in small proportions, since the mother during pregnancy should not eat too many sugary foods.
The best thing would be to have healthy sweets! Snacks such as popcorn, nuts, sweet cookies, homemade chocolate bars… with everything placed inside bottles!
All specially decorated for the occasion! For example, cookies shaped like pacifiers, bottles, strollers, ducks, booties, Babygros… and do the same with cupcakes! They can also be decorated with baby faces.
Mmmm… delicious!
Juices and cocktails for everyone!
Although the mother must watch what she eats more than ever, this does not mean that she can’t have cocktails and juices at her party, as long as they are non-alcoholic!
There are an infinite number of options that will delight each one of your guests, to be made at home or by a professional cocktail maker. For example: the Shirley Temple, the Michelada, the San Francisco, lemonades, smoothies…
And to be even more innovative, you can have each of these cocktails as fountains with ducklings that float or in glasses that look like baby bottles. They will be most original!
A small gift for the guests
Your friends can’t leave the party without a gift to remember this day and your baby forever. How? By giving them a little personalised item, such as a key ring, a rag doll, scented bags for clothes or a small flower pot with a seed in it, so that they can see how the baby is growing!
Of course, everything is personalized with the baby’s name, sex, or due date.

But… you still don’t have the baby’s name?
Well, your guests can help you! And it’s very simple, because all you have to do is place a large glass jar at the entrance to the party and put some paper and pens in it, so that your guests can put the names they like best into the jar.
Otherwise, you can create a game! The so-called “baby race” in which all your guests compete to see who finishes a list of names with all the letters of the alphabet first, the fastest wins! 3…2…1… Go!
And you’ll end up with lots of name ideas that can help inspire you before your new family member is born.
The big reveal
The most awaited moment has arrived! To break the news to all your guests about the sex of the baby.
How about some alphabet spaghetti? The first guest to find the phrase “it’s a boy” gets a little gift.
Why not announce it with belly painting? A current trend in which mothers paint their stomachs, so you can keep it hidden until the moment you break the news, when you just have to lift your shirt and… it’s a girl!
You could also use scratch cards, which you can make yourself with paint and cardboard. Your guests will just need a coin to scratch and discover the sex of the new member of your family. This is original and fun for everyone!

After all of these ideas, you just need to pick the venue in which to celebrate, because baby showers are is fashion! Do you already know about all of the venues where you can celebrate it?
A unique moment to spend in company and celebrate the arrival of the baby, who will be received with much love and affection by all of your loved ones, along with Perfect Venue! Because we are looking forward to sharing this special moment with you.