This has been the experience of Cynthia, our student, who has taken our Wedding Planner course

We tell you what the experience of Cynthia, our student of the wedding planner course, was like after finishing it. We focus mainly on the practical part. After all, in our course, theory is just the beginning, as the real magic lies in putting what you learn into practice.

Meet Cynthia, one of our students who embarked on our exciting wedding planner course. Originally from Fuerteventura, she arrived in Madrid with a determined spirit and a great desire to learn and become an outstanding wedding planner.

During the four months of the course, we taught it in our office three times a week. Cynthia not only attended the classes, but also participated in all the events related to the course.

Being a wedding planner is more than a job, it is a vocation. The figure of the Wedding Planner is becoming more and more essential in the industry, and Cynthia knows this very well. In our course, it is not only about theory, but also about putting into practice everything we have learned. 

In this article, we tell you how Cynthia’s experience was during the wedding planner course, focusing especially on the practical part. Because in the world of wedding planning, practice is essential for success. 

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Prácticas curso de Wedding Planner de Cynthia junto a la instructora / Photo via Perfect Venue
Cynthia’s Wedding Planner course practice with the instructor / Photo via Perfect Venue

Participation in real cases

Cynthia immersed herself in several shootings where she set up everything as if it were a real wedding. From choosing the theme to selecting the perfect location, to coordinating with professionals in flowers, furniture, lighting, jewelry and styling.

These editorials are not only a form of artistic expression, but also a powerful marketing tool in the wedding world. By carrying out these projects, Cynthia not only gained an impressive portfolio for her company, but also gained valuable experience in coordinating vendors, schedules and set-ups.

Our wedding planner course offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the creation of fictitious weddings, including editorial-style photo shoots – the perfect way to put everything you’ve learned in class into practice!

In our wedding planner course you can do wedding planner internships and become a professional wedding planner, 

Prácticas curso de Wedding Planner de Cynthia / Photo via Perfect Venue
Cynthia’s Wedding Planner course practice / Photo via Perfect Venue

The opportunity to taste a wedding menu

Cynthia had a unique experience worth telling about! It turns out that an American couple, who were getting married in Spain, could not arrive before the wedding to taste the menu, that’s where Cynthia and our team came in!

We went on behalf of the couple and Cynthia accompanied us on this very special tasting. It was a fascinating experience, as it was not only about tasting delicious dishes, but also listening to the couple’s comments and preferences.

It is just another example of how in our wedding planner course, there are always new adventures waiting for you. 

Prácticas curso de Wedding Planner de Cynthia / Photo via Perfect Venue
Cynthia’s Wedding Planner course practice / Photo via Perfect Venue

Presence at industry events

Cynthia had the opportunity to accompany us on several industry-related experiences.

When we headed to Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week in the spring, she came with us. It was an amazing adventure! From attending presentations to capturing photos and videos of the runway shows, Cynthia didn’t miss a beat.

We often receive invitations to attend industry events where we are treated to several nights of hotel accommodations. Whether to attend bridal fashion shows or participate in open days in different spaces, we are always excited to take our students, like Cynthia, so they can immerse themselves in the experience firsthand.

It’s a unique opportunity for you to meet outstanding professionals, build your own network and immerse yourselves even more in the exciting world of weddings.

Prácticas curso de Wedding Planner de Cynthia / Photo via Perfect Venue
Cynthia’s Wedding Planner course practice / Photo via Perfect Venue

She already has her own clients!

In our marketing module, Cynthia created her own Instagram, designed her website and immersed herself in the exciting world of social media and online promotion.

The good thing is that, while she was immersed in creating her shootings, proposal and other projects, she was already sharing and mentioning vendors in her posts! This way, Cynthia was recognized as the genius behind every event. 

And it didn’t go unnoticed! Soon, she found herself with a wave of new followers in the industry and immediately started receiving job applications, all thanks to her hard work and dedication during her wedding planner course! So she returned to Fuerteventura as a professional.

One of the most relevant things in our wedding planner course, besides the wedding planner internship, is that besides learning how to organize a wedding to perfection, we also teach you how to create your own business.

Prácticas curso de Wedding Planner de Cynthia / Photo via Perfect Venue
Cynthia’s Wedding Planner course practice / Photo via Perfect Venue

Say “I do” to our Wedding Planner Course

Have you ever imagined yourself organizing spectacular weddings, even destination weddings? Then this wedding planner course is for you! The next one starts in October, and we assure you it’s an opportunity you can’t miss.

Our focus is to provide personalized attention to our students, that’s why we always have a small number of students. This guarantees a unique learning experience, where you will be able to immerse yourself in the organization of shootings and other projects from day one. So don’t think twice, sign up early to secure your place!

Best of all, you will learn from the best professionals in the industry, who have extensive experience and are ready to share all their knowledge with you. In addition to the wedding planner internship, we’ll keep you up to date on the latest wedding trends and teach you how to stand out from the competition, so get ready to make a difference in the exciting world of weddings!

If you want to know more about this course to become a true professional, don’t miss this post in which we tell you everything you need to know about this Wedding Planner course with the best professionals!

Sign up now so you don’t miss out on your place!


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