Anita and Alexander’s Russian wedding in Madrid overlooking the capital of Spain

A Russian wedding in Madrid with views, champagne pyramid, sunglasses and roses that hosted a lot of guests just arrived from Russia.

Today we bring you one of those weddings that leave us dreaming for a while. Yes, the Russian wedding in Madrid of Alexander and Anita.

It was an elopement wedding, an intimate wedding, as they only had 20 guests, most of them from Russia, so small weddings are still in fashion!

We offered them different options of venues in Madrid, but they finally chose a hotel. Why? Because it is a very comfortable space in which to celebrate a wedding to which family members from far away are invited, and it is so in the same place of the celebration the guests can stay and then you don’t have to move to another place.

Read on to learn all the details of Anita and Alexander’s big day, where they celebrated everything in the same space.

Boda rusa en Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz
Russian wedding in Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

Madrid, a fashionable destination for weddings

Yes, Madrid is a favorite place for weddings thanks to the number of opportunities it offers to get married.

And the fact is that our country’s capital has terraces with views, rooftops, castles, natural spaces, etc.

In the capital you have unique spaces that, adding the perfect touches of decoration, become an idyllic place to say “I do”.

Boda rusa en Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz
Russian wedding in Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

Official marriage in our country

To emphasize that foreigners who are not residents in Spain can make the official marriage, they have two options: to marry in the Catholic church processing all the papers or get married at the consulate of their country.

So we got down to work to help them with all the formalities and paperwork for their Russian wedding in Madrid, making an appointment at the Russian consulate in Madrid, where they went in the morning only to sign with the witnesses, without the guests.

A romantic altar and “at the height”.

With views of all of Madrid, the bride and groom walked towards the altar, which was formed by a golden geometric structure and a bunch of roses entangled in the structure.

A pile of petals and countless white candles were also placed on the floor.

Boda rusa en Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz
Russian wedding in Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

The most awaited moment, the moment to celebrate!

In a Russian wedding you can not miss the excitement, the entertainers and the party, so it was clear to them that in their Russian wedding in Spain they wanted to have this type of entertainment.

For them, we hired an entertainer who was present at the ceremony, making it very entertaining and fun, and then he was also in the party part, performing all kinds of contests and involving all the guests. 

Also, in a celebration you can not miss the drink, so the bride and groom asked us for one of the trends that we do not stop seeing in the most instagrammable weddings: a pyramid made of glasses on which they threw the champagne as a waterfall. an incredible moment!

Boda rusa en Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz
Russian wedding in Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

A very modern bride

The bride chose for her Russian wedding in Madrid a short, asymmetrical and voluminous white dress. We love it!

The styling was complemented with silver heeled sandals and white sunglasses. And, as a hairstyle, a low ponytail, super cool! 

Boda rusa en Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz
Russian wedding in Madrid / Photo via Weddings and Events by Natalia Ortiz

A very sporty groom

On the other hand, the groom surprised with a very sporty style, wearing a linen style suit jacket and complemented with sneakers. 

How many grooms do you know so attentive?

Unbeatable Wedding Planner Service

Yes, everything went perfect thanks to the Wedding Planner service we provided to Alexander and Anita in their Russian wedding in Madrid. 

Now, if you also want a wedding like this couple, we organize everything for you. You just have to enjoy the whole process.

We are waiting for you!

Don’t miss this intimate wedding of Alejandro and Anita in a boutique hotel in Madrid, Ana and Fran’s wedding in the mountains of Madrid, and all the wedding packages for 2025: find out what’s included, the best regions, prices and much more.


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